Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Great & Powerful... CRP?

For far too long, the California Republican Party (CRP) has been trying to keep the illusion that they are the “Great & Powerful Oz.” They want voters and volunteers to “pay no attention to the guys behind the curtain,” But after last Novembers landslide defeat, voters are realizing the same thing Dorothy and Crew did... the power to obtain what they so desperately wanted was inside themselves all along! The only question remaining is, will the CRP choose leadership that will continue the same loosing illusion, or will they choose someone who recognizes the power of the volunteers... the so-called Worker Bees?

In March, The CRP will hold their Spring Convention to vote on new leadership. The Party, which has been in the final stages of life support, has two choices, they can have a miraculous recovery for the 2014 election or finally pull the plug. 

To avoid the death of the Party that gave us Ronald Reagan, the leadership must realize the power comes from the Grassroots. Meg Whitman’s run for Governor showed that no matter how much money you spend on a campaign, unless you have the Worker Bees supporting your campaign, you are a loosing candidate. In 2009, California was the start of the largest Tea Party in the United States, not solely because people were mad at Obama’s leadership, but because of the LACK of leadership and the candidates the Republican Party was choosing for them!
Too many grassroots, value driven, candidates have been snubbed by, what these disenfranchised voters call, “Establishment” Republicans. However, Grassroots candidates have had one thing in common, Rodney Stanhope. Rodney, who is running for CRP Vice Chair, has been the only campaign leader to give these grassroots candidates and volunteers a fighting chance against the “establishment.” Over the years Rodney has criss-crossed this huge state to help grassroots candidates by gathering what he is calling the Worker Bees of the party, the back bone, boots to the ground, value driven supporters and voters across the state.
Unlike the current CRP playbook which continues to campaign by only appealing to a continually shrinking fishbowl of voters, Rodney Stanhope’s hand-on approach, to not only appeal and attract more people to the party and value driven candidates, but he is also focused on the Youth vote by including and guiding their talents to affectively be a voice in hard fought camapaigns.
Former California State Assemblyman and 2010 Senate candidate who was, and is, beloved by the grassroots voters across the state had this to say about Rodney Stanhope’s run for Vice Chair:

Winning requires value driven campaigns that inspire tireless supporters. Rodney Stanhope exemplifies both.”
-- Chuck DeVore, Former California State Assemblyman
However, this election is unlike traditional elections since it is not an election for the general public. However, the general public can be influential and can steer the outcome of this Vice Chair race. Contact your local Republican Party Central Committee in California and inform them that “You are a Registered Republican who wants to see a voice for the Grassroots Voters on the CRP Board. As a California Republican, I support Rodney Stanhope for CRP Vice Chair!” 

Google your county Republican Party Central Committee to find contact information. Below are some additional links of Republican groups to also contacts. The more calls the Central Committees receive, the more they will realize the impact the Worker Bees of California will have on the next election!
Remember... There is NO place like California!
Republican Party Groups:
California College Republicans
California Congress of Republicans
California Federation of Republian Women
California Republican Assembly
California Republican Lawyers Association
California Republican League
Lincoln Club of Fresno County
Lincoln Club of Northern California
Lincoln Club of Orange County
Lincoln Club of San Diego
Republican Jewish Coalition

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Grassroot Impact on the California Primary

In less than 30 days, voters will face the decision between the “Status Quo Establishment” or a “Grassroots Candidate“ in the California Primary.
Across America, “experienced” candidates have smeared their “Average Joe” competition with lies, intimidations and destruction of property, while using your suffering for political spin in their quest to keep power.  However, across our country, voters have stood up and elected candidates who are OF the people, BY the people and FOR the people instead of “Establishment” candidates.
This election has politicians scared because real representation has decided to stop the madness happening in our government.  In Utah, Mia Love won the GOP nomination for the 4th Congressional District over political insider Carl Wimmer.  In Chicago, “Joe the Plumber” was victorious in defeating the party favorite, as was Richard Murdock in his victory over 26 year establishment incumbent, Senator Richard Lugar of Indiana. 

The voters were victorious in reclaiming their districts with candidates who will be “Representatives OF the People”  and not lapdogs to those who have contributed to legislation that has destroyed our country.
California’s 3rd Congressional District also has a rising star within grassroots groups.  Rick Tubbs, an Air Force Lt. Colonel and Squadron Commander serving at Travis Air Force Base, is running as a Conservative Republican who knows first-hand the issues facing families today.  Being raised on welfare by a single mom, his years in the military and his close knit family makes Tubbs the poster child of today’s “Average American.”

While the two establishment candidates running for this congressional seat are busy holding high priced fundraisers, Rick Tubbs and an army of grassroots volunteers have been religiously knocking on doors for months. Tubbs has held numerous Townhalls throughout the district to build a connection directly with voters, earning the position as Representative.

Once again, California has no say in the Presidential Race. However, Congressional Races are vitally important. It will be interesting to see if voters recognize that California holds the key to victory in 2012 through these races, but only if they choose a candidate who voters can be energized with to support in November.  

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Kim Vann, Just another candidate that will continue the decline of the Republican Party

It is election season again and the political spin and campaign rhetoric is already gearing up.  Campaign experts are busy coaching their candidates in terminology to use when answering direct questions in order to have wiggle room when caught having the wrong stance on an issue. 
What MANY voters across the nation have been rallying against in both Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party movements, is what they consider “establishment candidates.”  These campaigns are hard at work to convince the voters that only the candidate that can raise millions, is the correct candidate to vote for.  Establishment insiders and special interest groups, on both sides of the aisle, pour money  into these campaigns in order to have candidates who will have a debt to pay, other than money, once in office.
This brings me to a Youtube clip I posted yesterday about candidate Kim Vann running for California’s 3rd Congressional District against incumbent John Garamendi, who is also considered an “establishment candidate” and has contributed to the current economic crisis we are now suffering under.

This video was filmed during the Sacramento Republican Central Committee’s (SRCC)Endorsement Meeting in March of this year.  During Kim’s speech, she not only glossed over her stances about the issues, but focused on her achievement to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars on a race expected to cost over a million dollars.  Kim even went as far as informing SRCC attendees that she “left a big fundraiser and needs to get back to see how much was raised.”  

Click on the video player below to watch Youtube clip

When the Question and Answer portion of her interview happened,  Kim was asked  what her stances  were on social issues....”Life, Marriage and 2nd Amendment.”   In true “Establishment Candidate” form, Kim answered  with “I am a true Republican in all sense, and I stand with our party on those issues.”  

Thankfully, the member who asked the question, no longer accepted  such a blanket answer.  Allowing answers like that, is what has caused the decline in voter confidence in the Republican Party itself. It has resulted in candidates like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina.   His reply was “That is not an answer,”  what a fabulous response voters need to say when candidates give vague answers!

When Kim was pressed about her answer, she not only played dumb, but she revealed that she is pro-choice.   Had this member not pressed her on elaborating her answer, we would never know that she does NOT stand with the Party which just second before she claimed “she stood by on every sense of the word!”  The Republican Party has their core beliefs and party platform readily available on their website, and yet Kim Vann was a shining example of the term RINO. 
I know some people will say this is about Social Issues, but it is not.  This is about establishment candidates that can market themselves as being a Representative of the People...President Obama is another example of such campaign marketing ploys that have resulted in destructive leadership and the demolition of the American Dream.
This is about campaigns raising millions of dollars from special interests and spending like drunken sailors.  A campaign is when a candidate can “walk the walk” for voters to EARN their vote.  If a candidate cannot stretch a dollar to accomplish the task at hand during their campaign, how can they successfully balance our countries budget when elected, because guess what... America is Broke! 

Monday, January 9, 2012

Three simple ways the GOP will win a second term for Obama!

As we gear up for the New Hampshire Primary tomorrow, we are faced once again wondering which Less-than-Reagan candidate will be the next target of media and voter scrutiny. The taste for blood has become a delicacy in the mouths of Republican Voters. You would think that smart candidates would avoid trying to win the top spot in the polls with the attacks that have happened to the placeholders in this Primary. Voters have jumped teams and loyalties more times than Lindsey Lohan has dropped out of rehab...and the Democrats are LOVING IT!

The funniest part about all of this is Conservative Voters do not trust one word the mainstream media says... except when it comes to the poll results. Then, if the polls show Mitt Romney or Ron Paul in the lead, it is written off as supporters padding the votes. If any of the remaining candidates make it to the top of the polling, only then do voters finally begin their homework on a candidate. Finally leaving voters with the choice of eight candidates that America will have to hold their noses to vote for, again, in order to pray for a win in November based solely on an ANTI-Obama vote.

All of this has caused the 2012 Republican primary to become a three ring circus and is showing the world that Americans are not the leaders the world used to be in awe over. Conservatives have been saying that our freedoms and America’s leadership for the world are riding on this election... and that much is true, but it is not the Democrats that will pull the plug on America, it is the Conservative Voters because of three very simple reasons.

Candidate Idolatry and the Two Party System

Every election, seemingly rational people begin their search for a representative that mirrors great Presidents of the past. However, those Presidents were great because they were the right fit at the right time. Candidate supporters begin their journey with the basic knowledge of their candidates past and how that supports their values which they have fought against the current administration over. However, when supporters of rival candidates begin to dig deeper, we tend to fall into two categories...Educated Voters or Blind Followers.

The Educated Voter will take the information given to them and either change their candidate or decide that the information was true, but did not warrant a change in support. For example, some Rick Perry supporters were extremely vocal anti-illegal immigration advocates, but decided his business and job creation aspects earned him continued support. Supporters with this mentality, keep their credibility as long as they do not bend their values or attack rival candidates on issues their candidate is guilty of.

The Blind Followers are the most dangerous to any election. These supporters become so devoted to their candidate that they completely throw away their credibility. They are unable to rationally debate and revert into personal attacks. Their blind loyalty to a person becomes more important than the pursuit of keeping America the greatest country in the world. These supporters throw temper tantrums if their candidates do not win and threaten to stay home or support a Third party in the General Election. They blame the Two Party system for their candidates failure and believe starting, or running as, a Third Party Candidate will somehow win them the election. My question to these voters is, “if you are unable to change the thinking in a political party, how do you think you can win an entire country?”

Voter Fraud

For at least the past three years, the reality of Voter Fraud has finally become a talking point. Reports ranging from ACORN to Unions being in charge of voting machines to illegal immigrants being bussed into precincts to vote are finally being exposed, however our election process is still poised to win Obama a second term.

Maine and Nebraska are currently the only states that distribute their electoral votes per district instead of a winner-take-all system. Basically, the popular vote per state equals the win of all electoral votes, regardless of the number of Congressional Districts won by a candidate. Thanks to this system, Barack Obama will easily win a second term with very little effort.

Let’s use California to demonstrate exactly what this scheme would look like. Organizations, such as ACORN, would set their targets on the heavily populated urban districts in a state, such as Los Angeles, San Francisco or Oakland. These demographics are more inclined to vote for the the Democrat candidate whereas the wide open, sparsely populated rural areas such as Auburn, Folsom tend to vote Republican. Even though there are more districts in California that are considered rural or conservative than the liberal leaning large cities, groups like ACORN will only have to ensure the larger cities push the popular vote for the state over to the Democrats favor by padding fraudulent votes in a few key districts, therefore winning the states 55 Electoral Votes.

Lack of Voting the way our Founding Fathers designed our government to run.

Conservatives are constantly complaining about the size and reach of our Federal Government. “Smaller Government” is the primary rally cry at Tea Parties or taglines for candidates. Our Forefathers rose up against tyrannical leadership, rose up against a monarchy in order to create a government that would form a more perfect union with representatives of the people, by the people and for the people of this great country.

In spite of the current administrations tireless attack to this country’s Constitution, the Liberal agenda has actually used our Constitution, and the Founder’s design for our government, to completely tear this nation apart from within. For more than 60 years, the Liberal movement has quietly taken control of our small local races and worked their way up. They have patiently and tirelessly taken over the positions that directly impact American’s day to day life and from there worked their way up to the Oval Office.

Conservative Voters are at odds with their voting thought process. In life we strive to be number one. We work to be top in our professions, head of industry, leaders of the world... but when we vote we can’t seem to grasp the concept that our Founding Fathers intended that the President be the least important of the three branches of government. Our government was designed to be “grassroots,” the roots, or citizens, are more important.

In every election we have become fixated on the “top race” leaving the local races on your ballot to fend for themselves. We frantically donate our few dollars to the “top race” in order to fund these outrageous national campaigns, while the local candidates struggle to raise anything. These local races will give you the opportunity to have an audience with your representative, how easy do you think it will be to have an audience with the President? The local Representatives will directly impact your daily life much more than the President. As voters, we fixate on the top races to the point of causing division and “why should I even vote” mentality.

We need voters to show up at the voting booth and in a country as large and as diverse as America is, bringing our focus back to the local races will give us a greater chance of winning in 2012! If voters stay home we will loose the Congress that was won back in 2010 after 7 years under Democrat control and we will loose even more control in the Senate. If this happens, because we have focused solely on the Presidential race, America will be lost.

The California Impact

California is set to make a major impact if the Republican Party and voters will convert their thinking. By the time California’s polls close on Election Day, the media is already announcing the projected winner for the Presidential race. With 55 Electoral Votes, which the nation assumes will automatically be counted for Obama, California must refocus it’s attention to the Congressional, Senate and Assembly races. The California Republican Party must refocus the party’s focus to the Congressional races. With 53 Congressional districts from this one state, California is poised to get voters enthused to vote in November by local candidates they can relate to. We need voters to show up and California will not do that by focusing on the Presidential race.

Out of 53 Congressional seats in California, only 19 are filled by a Republican. In 2010, the Republicans won back control of the house by winning 53 seats 2012 the Democrats only need to win 25 seats to reclaim control and they are banking on Conservative voters to only focus on the Presidential race as usual. America cannot afford to loose any control of the Congressional Pursestrings or Bill Creation. Even if Obama wins a second term through voter fraud, if we keep control of Congress and reclaim control of the Senate, we will have the support to Impeach, but as we have learned from Bill Clinton, impeachment doesn’t mean anything without the Senates vote for Removal. The real power is in the Congressional and Senate races, we must vote smarter.

If Obama win a second term and we continue to vote as usual, focusing on the top race while the other races flounder on their own, there will not be another Tea Party to wake voters up and if the decline of our country the past 3 years was not enough for you, imagine what 4 more years under the control of both Obama and Nancy Pelosi will be like!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

To Birther or Not to Birther, That is the Question...

Blogs, radio talk shows and television stations across the country are buzzing with the news that President Obama has produced, yet another, Birth Certificate to prove his birthplace and citizenship.

This issue has been hounding the President ever since he took office. However, thanks to Donald Trump, this issue has recently been gaining major recognition and questions throughout the mainstream media. For two years President Obama, the supposed most powerful man in the Free World, has paid millions of dollars to keep this form hidden. Citizens of this country were only given his “word” that he was born a citizen, after all, there is no possible way that in those two years, the most “transparent administration the United States has ever had,” the same administration that told the American people, “They have to pass the Healthcare Bill to see what is in it,” would ever do anything dishonest like forge a document. (Sorry, I will warn you next time...I had a hard time writing that with a straight face also.)

I would first like to ask...when my children were born, I received the cute hospital certificate and then had to file for their certificates through the county. At the top it says “Certificate of Live Birth.” Those are the only certificates I know of, can anyone explain where I would get this “LONG FORM Birth Certificate?”

The thing that is laughable about this entire issue, is that almost as many Republican as Democrats, have their feathers ruffled over this issue. Why are some of these Republican candidates so sidetracked on this issue and do what they can to steer clear of it or even denounce it?

When a report from USA Today states that only 38% of all Americans, regardless of their political affiliation, believe that he is a Natural Born Citizen that leaves a huge number of citizens that believe something is wrong! Hello Republican Party, we want a Representative of People... not another Politically Correct Establishment Elected Official!

The point is this, why is everyone, even those Republicans, so against this Birther Issue? There are states across the country that are now requiring that candidates produce all forms to prove their citizenship before they are able to be placed on the ballot... They are not targeting Obama, they are ensuring our Constitution is being upheld. If that issue conflicts specifically with Obama, who’s fault is that?

Why are Birthers being vilified as crackpots for wanting to ensure our Constitution is followed to the T? We had no problem with Arizona writing their own law that basically reiterates the Federal Law on Illegal Immigration at a state level, but yet a state that wants to reiterate and demand the Constitution is upheld, especially for an election where corruption is rampant thanks to groups like ACORN, these states and citizens are being considered fringe for upholding the Constitution?

The Republican Party party is giving us candidates that are recycled. Candidates that have already lost in a race that could have been against Obama, need to get out and stay out of this race. Candidates that are new need to appeal to staunch conservatives, Decline to State, Independents and Conservative Democrats. Candidates need to stick to the Constitution and never again use the term “works well across the aisle,” we have been bending over too long and that is never a term that you hear from the Democrats and look at what state our country is!

Our Founding Fathers gave us the Constitution to ensure that frauds and bad leaders can be rejected. However, the Republican Party is playing into the Democrats hands by not utilizing our best tool, the Constitution!

Obama has over a billion dollars to buy this election from stupid voters that only look to Lady Gaga and the Hollywood insiders for how to vote and the Republican Party is giving us candidates that are excited about raising $2 million in two months.... Obama came to California for 24 hours and raised $7 Million for his campaign! Whoever this "White Horse" candidate is, I don’t know, but the Republican Party needs to wake up fast and realize that their plan of winning by only appealing to our Party, has not worked. However, do not mistake that statement as we need more RINO’s! Ronald Reagan had the love of the party and the ability to produce Reagan Democrat’s, we currently do not have a candidate that is anything close to that or attracting voters at all. When the Republican Party has a slate of of 10 potential candidates who’s support is split throughout a declining Party, we might as well not even waste the money, time or energy on this race.

Candidates need to focus on the issues, let the people focus on the Birther issue, or any other issue, that will keep the Democrats distracted or scrambling how they can try to keep Obama’s name on all the ballots in order to win the electoral votes needed to be President. A candidate that says they “Take Obama at his word...” or “this Birther Issue is silly and distracting” will be loosing more support from conservatives than gaining in Democrat support.

We have a very short time to get our act together, but if we don’t, it does not matter how bad Obama’s approval rating is, we are looking at 4 more years of Obama!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Tea Party like it is 2009!

Two years ago the Tea Party Movement was barely a blip on the political radar. Words like Astroturf and Teabaggers were thrown around by mainstream media and establishment politicians in order to diffuse this spontaneous leaderless movement.

Since that first Tax Day Tea Party, which had over 800 events nationwide, we have seen this movement vilified by the Obama administration and by the Republican Party RINO’s, who’s leadership is what caused many Republicans to turn to the Tea Party in the first place. At that first Tax Day Rally in 2009 Tea Partiers from across the state gathered on the Capitol steps to not only voice their opinions about the fiscal irresponsibility President Obama was doing with taxpayer money, but also to call out the bad leadership of then California Republican Party Chair, Ron Nehring.

The Tea Party began to grow and the more powerful it became the more attacks were thrown at this movement. Gradually, ego’s within the Tea Party grew, causing the much publicized “fracturing” of the movement, especially here in California. Groups were suing individuals for copyright infringement and sending secret boycotts to events hosted by competing Tea Party groups. This childish behavior resulted in a horrific showing at the voting booth last November, where California Conservatives did not win one state wide seat and even lost a Republican Safe Assembly seat!

What a difference 24 months can do! November was an eye opener for many Tea Party groups and for the California Republican Party. Both realized that neither group is strong enough to win elections on their own, but together they have a chance to have the conservative tsunami, that swept the country but was blocked by the Seirra’s, to flow across California for our next election.

The 2011 Tax Day Tea Party which was held at the Capitol on April 18th had a much different feel than that of 2009. Aside from this event being hosted by two local groups, Tea Party United and Citizen's Reclaiming Constitutional Liberty PAC (CRCLPAC,) the showmanship and jumbotrons were absent, but the message was about Fiscal Responsibility and Unity within the movement. Groups as far away as Redding and media from across the state including San Francisco and Orange County attended this event. For weeks leading up to Tax Day, groups across the state cross promoted local Tax Day events. Their view of bringing the Tea Party to the people in their own hometowns showed that the Tea Party was alive and thriving! Groups such as North County Conservatives, Inland Empire and Vista Tea Party all in Southern California kicked off the long Tax Day weekend on Friday, while groups like Solano Tea Party, Vacaville Tea Party, Tri Valley Tea Party, East Bay Tea Party and Napa Tea Party took to the streets and even protested at Congressman Mike Thompson’s office.

The Capitol event, which was emcee’d by radio personality Angelo Andriani of Conservative Rule on KTKZ and CRCLPAC’s CEO Rodney Stanhope, still had patriotic music provided by Michael Smith, Jerry Jenning and Tea Party Express’ Diana Nagy, and speakers such as Craig DeLuz, Dr. Ron Tachibana, Aaron Palm and Tea Party favorites Senator Doug LaMalfa, Gun Owner Association President Sam Parades and Chuck DeVore. All spoke on fiscal responsibility but emphasized the unity that must happen in order to win in 2012.

One major difference this year was the inclusion of the New California Republican Party Chair, Tom DelBaccaro. While a regular supporter and speaker at Tea Party groups, Tom took this opportunity to announce that his leadership will be a new direction for the Republican Party and asked for the support from Tea Party group leaders. The Chairman asked Tea Party group leaders to join him on stage, this gesture showed a new era of Tea Party and the California Republican Party working together to win in 2012.

Could this be a winning combination to ensure victory at the voting booths for Conservatives in 2012? I don't know, but one thing is for sure, this new leadership and these groups are going to be more vocal and more energized to grab the ear of the American voter.

To learn more about CRCLPAC, visit or to find out about Tea Party United visit

Photos are courtesy of Jay Lensch. to view more photos from the day visit CLICK HERE