Saturday, April 23, 2011

Tea Party like it is 2009!

Two years ago the Tea Party Movement was barely a blip on the political radar. Words like Astroturf and Teabaggers were thrown around by mainstream media and establishment politicians in order to diffuse this spontaneous leaderless movement.

Since that first Tax Day Tea Party, which had over 800 events nationwide, we have seen this movement vilified by the Obama administration and by the Republican Party RINO’s, who’s leadership is what caused many Republicans to turn to the Tea Party in the first place. At that first Tax Day Rally in 2009 Tea Partiers from across the state gathered on the Capitol steps to not only voice their opinions about the fiscal irresponsibility President Obama was doing with taxpayer money, but also to call out the bad leadership of then California Republican Party Chair, Ron Nehring.

The Tea Party began to grow and the more powerful it became the more attacks were thrown at this movement. Gradually, ego’s within the Tea Party grew, causing the much publicized “fracturing” of the movement, especially here in California. Groups were suing individuals for copyright infringement and sending secret boycotts to events hosted by competing Tea Party groups. This childish behavior resulted in a horrific showing at the voting booth last November, where California Conservatives did not win one state wide seat and even lost a Republican Safe Assembly seat!

What a difference 24 months can do! November was an eye opener for many Tea Party groups and for the California Republican Party. Both realized that neither group is strong enough to win elections on their own, but together they have a chance to have the conservative tsunami, that swept the country but was blocked by the Seirra’s, to flow across California for our next election.

The 2011 Tax Day Tea Party which was held at the Capitol on April 18th had a much different feel than that of 2009. Aside from this event being hosted by two local groups, Tea Party United and Citizen's Reclaiming Constitutional Liberty PAC (CRCLPAC,) the showmanship and jumbotrons were absent, but the message was about Fiscal Responsibility and Unity within the movement. Groups as far away as Redding and media from across the state including San Francisco and Orange County attended this event. For weeks leading up to Tax Day, groups across the state cross promoted local Tax Day events. Their view of bringing the Tea Party to the people in their own hometowns showed that the Tea Party was alive and thriving! Groups such as North County Conservatives, Inland Empire and Vista Tea Party all in Southern California kicked off the long Tax Day weekend on Friday, while groups like Solano Tea Party, Vacaville Tea Party, Tri Valley Tea Party, East Bay Tea Party and Napa Tea Party took to the streets and even protested at Congressman Mike Thompson’s office.

The Capitol event, which was emcee’d by radio personality Angelo Andriani of Conservative Rule on KTKZ and CRCLPAC’s CEO Rodney Stanhope, still had patriotic music provided by Michael Smith, Jerry Jenning and Tea Party Express’ Diana Nagy, and speakers such as Craig DeLuz, Dr. Ron Tachibana, Aaron Palm and Tea Party favorites Senator Doug LaMalfa, Gun Owner Association President Sam Parades and Chuck DeVore. All spoke on fiscal responsibility but emphasized the unity that must happen in order to win in 2012.

One major difference this year was the inclusion of the New California Republican Party Chair, Tom DelBaccaro. While a regular supporter and speaker at Tea Party groups, Tom took this opportunity to announce that his leadership will be a new direction for the Republican Party and asked for the support from Tea Party group leaders. The Chairman asked Tea Party group leaders to join him on stage, this gesture showed a new era of Tea Party and the California Republican Party working together to win in 2012.

Could this be a winning combination to ensure victory at the voting booths for Conservatives in 2012? I don't know, but one thing is for sure, this new leadership and these groups are going to be more vocal and more energized to grab the ear of the American voter.

To learn more about CRCLPAC, visit or to find out about Tea Party United visit

Photos are courtesy of Jay Lensch. to view more photos from the day visit CLICK HERE

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