For far too long, the California Republican Party (CRP) has been trying to keep the illusion that they are the “Great & Powerful Oz.” They want voters and volunteers to “pay no attention to the guys behind the curtain,” But after last Novembers landslide defeat, voters are realizing the same thing Dorothy and Crew did... the power to obtain what they so desperately wanted was inside themselves all along! The only question remaining is, will the CRP choose leadership that will continue the same loosing illusion, or will they choose someone who recognizes the power of the volunteers... the so-called Worker Bees?
In March, The CRP will hold their Spring Convention to vote on new leadership. The Party, which has been in the final stages of life support, has two choices, they can have a miraculous recovery for the 2014 election or finally pull the plug.
To avoid the death of the Party that gave us Ronald Reagan, the leadership must realize the power comes from the Grassroots. Meg Whitman’s run for Governor showed that no matter how much money you spend on a campaign, unless you have the Worker Bees supporting your campaign, you are a loosing candidate. In 2009, California was the start of the largest Tea Party in the United States, not solely because people were mad at Obama’s leadership, but because of the LACK of leadership and the candidates the Republican Party was choosing for them!
Too many grassroots, value driven, candidates have been snubbed by, what these disenfranchised voters call, “Establishment” Republicans. However, Grassroots candidates have had one thing in common, Rodney Stanhope. Rodney, who is running for CRP Vice Chair, has been the only campaign leader to give these grassroots candidates and volunteers a fighting chance against the “establishment.” Over the years Rodney has criss-crossed this huge state to help grassroots candidates by gathering what he is calling the Worker Bees of the party, the back bone, boots to the ground, value driven supporters and voters across the state.
Unlike the current CRP playbook which continues to campaign by only appealing to a continually shrinking fishbowl of voters, Rodney Stanhope’s hand-on approach, to not only appeal and attract more people to the party and value driven candidates, but he is also focused on the Youth vote by including and guiding their talents to affectively be a voice in hard fought camapaigns.
Former California State Assemblyman and 2010 Senate candidate who was, and is, beloved by the grassroots voters across the state had this to say about Rodney Stanhope’s run for Vice Chair:
“Winning requires value driven campaigns that inspire tireless supporters. Rodney Stanhope exemplifies both.”
-- Chuck DeVore, Former California State Assemblyman
-- Chuck DeVore, Former California State Assemblyman
However, this election is unlike traditional elections since it is not an election for the general public. However, the general public can be influential and can steer the outcome of this Vice Chair race. Contact your local Republican Party Central Committee in California and inform them that “You are a Registered Republican who wants to see a voice for the Grassroots Voters on the CRP Board. As a California Republican, I support Rodney Stanhope for CRP Vice Chair!”
Google your county Republican Party Central Committee to find contact information. Below are some additional links of Republican groups to also contacts. The more calls the Central Committees receive, the more they will realize the impact the Worker Bees of California will have on the next election!
Remember... There is NO place like California!
Republican Party Groups:
California College Republicans
California Congress of Republicans
California Federation of Republian Women
California Republican Assembly
California Republican Lawyers Association
California Republican League
Lincoln Club of Fresno County
Lincoln Club of Northern California
Lincoln Club of Orange County
Lincoln Club of San Diego
Republican Jewish Coalition
California Congress of Republicans
California Federation of Republian Women
California Republican Assembly
California Republican Lawyers Association
California Republican League
Lincoln Club of Fresno County
Lincoln Club of Northern California
Lincoln Club of Orange County
Lincoln Club of San Diego
Republican Jewish Coalition
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