Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Kim Vann, Just another candidate that will continue the decline of the Republican Party

It is election season again and the political spin and campaign rhetoric is already gearing up.  Campaign experts are busy coaching their candidates in terminology to use when answering direct questions in order to have wiggle room when caught having the wrong stance on an issue. 
What MANY voters across the nation have been rallying against in both Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party movements, is what they consider “establishment candidates.”  These campaigns are hard at work to convince the voters that only the candidate that can raise millions, is the correct candidate to vote for.  Establishment insiders and special interest groups, on both sides of the aisle, pour money  into these campaigns in order to have candidates who will have a debt to pay, other than money, once in office.
This brings me to a Youtube clip I posted yesterday about candidate Kim Vann running for California’s 3rd Congressional District against incumbent John Garamendi, who is also considered an “establishment candidate” and has contributed to the current economic crisis we are now suffering under.

This video was filmed during the Sacramento Republican Central Committee’s (SRCC)Endorsement Meeting in March of this year.  During Kim’s speech, she not only glossed over her stances about the issues, but focused on her achievement to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars on a race expected to cost over a million dollars.  Kim even went as far as informing SRCC attendees that she “left a big fundraiser and needs to get back to see how much was raised.”  

Click on the video player below to watch Youtube clip

When the Question and Answer portion of her interview happened,  Kim was asked  what her stances  were on social issues....”Life, Marriage and 2nd Amendment.”   In true “Establishment Candidate” form, Kim answered  with “I am a true Republican in all sense, and I stand with our party on those issues.”  

Thankfully, the member who asked the question, no longer accepted  such a blanket answer.  Allowing answers like that, is what has caused the decline in voter confidence in the Republican Party itself. It has resulted in candidates like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina.   His reply was “That is not an answer,”  what a fabulous response voters need to say when candidates give vague answers!

When Kim was pressed about her answer, she not only played dumb, but she revealed that she is pro-choice.   Had this member not pressed her on elaborating her answer, we would never know that she does NOT stand with the Party which just second before she claimed “she stood by on every sense of the word!”  The Republican Party has their core beliefs and party platform readily available on their website, and yet Kim Vann was a shining example of the term RINO. 
I know some people will say this is about Social Issues, but it is not.  This is about establishment candidates that can market themselves as being a Representative of the People...President Obama is another example of such campaign marketing ploys that have resulted in destructive leadership and the demolition of the American Dream.
This is about campaigns raising millions of dollars from special interests and spending like drunken sailors.  A campaign is when a candidate can “walk the walk” for voters to EARN their vote.  If a candidate cannot stretch a dollar to accomplish the task at hand during their campaign, how can they successfully balance our countries budget when elected, because guess what... America is Broke! 

1 comment:

  1. Mandy, THANK YOU!!!!!! This is BRILLIANT deduction of exactly what is going on in this nation, our state and even our very local level of the political process. So many are tired of the politics as usual, but don't even know "exactly" what that means or entails. You are spot on with it. The constant buying of votes and endorsements is part of that process and it is wrong and an injustice to the system that our Founding Fathers set up. Thank you again for sharing the message. If more of us would do so, maybe we could start getting it to change.
