Wednesday, April 27, 2011

To Birther or Not to Birther, That is the Question...

Blogs, radio talk shows and television stations across the country are buzzing with the news that President Obama has produced, yet another, Birth Certificate to prove his birthplace and citizenship.

This issue has been hounding the President ever since he took office. However, thanks to Donald Trump, this issue has recently been gaining major recognition and questions throughout the mainstream media. For two years President Obama, the supposed most powerful man in the Free World, has paid millions of dollars to keep this form hidden. Citizens of this country were only given his “word” that he was born a citizen, after all, there is no possible way that in those two years, the most “transparent administration the United States has ever had,” the same administration that told the American people, “They have to pass the Healthcare Bill to see what is in it,” would ever do anything dishonest like forge a document. (Sorry, I will warn you next time...I had a hard time writing that with a straight face also.)

I would first like to ask...when my children were born, I received the cute hospital certificate and then had to file for their certificates through the county. At the top it says “Certificate of Live Birth.” Those are the only certificates I know of, can anyone explain where I would get this “LONG FORM Birth Certificate?”

The thing that is laughable about this entire issue, is that almost as many Republican as Democrats, have their feathers ruffled over this issue. Why are some of these Republican candidates so sidetracked on this issue and do what they can to steer clear of it or even denounce it?

When a report from USA Today states that only 38% of all Americans, regardless of their political affiliation, believe that he is a Natural Born Citizen that leaves a huge number of citizens that believe something is wrong! Hello Republican Party, we want a Representative of People... not another Politically Correct Establishment Elected Official!

The point is this, why is everyone, even those Republicans, so against this Birther Issue? There are states across the country that are now requiring that candidates produce all forms to prove their citizenship before they are able to be placed on the ballot... They are not targeting Obama, they are ensuring our Constitution is being upheld. If that issue conflicts specifically with Obama, who’s fault is that?

Why are Birthers being vilified as crackpots for wanting to ensure our Constitution is followed to the T? We had no problem with Arizona writing their own law that basically reiterates the Federal Law on Illegal Immigration at a state level, but yet a state that wants to reiterate and demand the Constitution is upheld, especially for an election where corruption is rampant thanks to groups like ACORN, these states and citizens are being considered fringe for upholding the Constitution?

The Republican Party party is giving us candidates that are recycled. Candidates that have already lost in a race that could have been against Obama, need to get out and stay out of this race. Candidates that are new need to appeal to staunch conservatives, Decline to State, Independents and Conservative Democrats. Candidates need to stick to the Constitution and never again use the term “works well across the aisle,” we have been bending over too long and that is never a term that you hear from the Democrats and look at what state our country is!

Our Founding Fathers gave us the Constitution to ensure that frauds and bad leaders can be rejected. However, the Republican Party is playing into the Democrats hands by not utilizing our best tool, the Constitution!

Obama has over a billion dollars to buy this election from stupid voters that only look to Lady Gaga and the Hollywood insiders for how to vote and the Republican Party is giving us candidates that are excited about raising $2 million in two months.... Obama came to California for 24 hours and raised $7 Million for his campaign! Whoever this "White Horse" candidate is, I don’t know, but the Republican Party needs to wake up fast and realize that their plan of winning by only appealing to our Party, has not worked. However, do not mistake that statement as we need more RINO’s! Ronald Reagan had the love of the party and the ability to produce Reagan Democrat’s, we currently do not have a candidate that is anything close to that or attracting voters at all. When the Republican Party has a slate of of 10 potential candidates who’s support is split throughout a declining Party, we might as well not even waste the money, time or energy on this race.

Candidates need to focus on the issues, let the people focus on the Birther issue, or any other issue, that will keep the Democrats distracted or scrambling how they can try to keep Obama’s name on all the ballots in order to win the electoral votes needed to be President. A candidate that says they “Take Obama at his word...” or “this Birther Issue is silly and distracting” will be loosing more support from conservatives than gaining in Democrat support.

We have a very short time to get our act together, but if we don’t, it does not matter how bad Obama’s approval rating is, we are looking at 4 more years of Obama!

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